What is the difference between buying a manual hydraulic stacker and a manual pallet truck? Due to different regions, the same product has different calling methods in different regions. Customers often consult our company's sales specialists for the product, and there is a discrepancy between the name and the description of the use of hydraulic manual forklifts. In order to prevent customers from making mistakes in purchasing manual hydraulic stacker products, our sales specialists will carefully question the customer's manual hydraulic stacker usage environment, usage requirements, and lifting height? What is the lifting weight? In this way, the accuracy of the product is determined and the accuracy of the goods is guaranteed. Describe in detail the specific difference between manual hydraulic stacker and manual forklift!
1. The manual pallet truck has no gantry, while the manual pallet truck and manual forklift are equipped with a gantry frame on the manual pallet truck structure, and a hydraulic system is installed to lift and lower the loaded goods. Both manual pallet trucks and manual stackers belong to a large category of logistics warehouse forklifts.
2. The truck is also called the cattle; the stacker is also called the stacker and stacker. So what is the difference between a manual pallet truck and a manual stacker? The manual pallet truck has no mast, so the large height of the manual hydraulic pallet truck is limited to 210mm.
The manual hydraulic stacker forklifts and manual forklifts have more masts on the structure of the manual pallet trucks, and press the hydraulic system. This is the only way to raise and lower the loaded goods. The lift height of the forks is generally 4.5 Meters.
3. If the lifting height exceeds 1.6-2 meters, the double-door frame structure is generally adopted, which looks very delicate. The heavy-duty manual hydraulic stacker is not suitable for transporting 2-3 tons of cargo. If it is removed with a truck, That's great. Hydraulic stackers are divided into electric hydraulic manual forklifts, semi-electric manual stackers, fully electric stackers, electric loaders, electric lift trucks, electric stackers, and electric stackers.
4. Both manual pallet trucks and manual stackers belong to a large category of logistics warehouse forklifts. The use of hydraulic stackers and trucks are suitable for operations in narrow passages and limited spaces. They are ideal equipment for loading and unloading pallets in workshops and high-bay warehouses. The supply of manual hydraulic stackers is widely used in petroleum, paint, chemical, military, pharmaceutical, coal, textile, paint and other industries, as well as railways, ports, warehouses, freight yards and other places containing explosive mixtures for loading, unloading, stacking and handling operation.